T1: Agricultural Transformation

Grow what we eat and beyond

Corn Field

The Agricultural Transformation will aim at making Ghana grow all that we need for food and beyond that, for export. Some key targets will be to achieve self-sufficiency in critical sectors, such as rice and poultry production, within three years.

Ghana Chicken Status:

  • Seven out of every eight chickens (87%) consumed in Ghana are imported!
  • The import bill is US$ 410 million a year (GHS 6.3 billion).
  • If we were to grow our own chickens in Ghana (100%) that would realise GHS 6 billion wealth to Ghanaian poultry farmers, chicken feed producers, maize growers etc. plus hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Ghana Rice Status:

  • 60% of the rice consumed in Ghana is imported!
  • This costs us US$ 391 million (GHS 6 billion).
  • Imagine distributing this money within Ghana: hundreds of thousands of farmers, fertilizer production and distribution, milling, packaging etc. - the value chain.